Events Calendar

Guided Walk – Hemlington Recreation Centre

Our Guided Walks are usually gentle strolls lasting up to one and a half hours on easy terrain, requiring no special clothing. They are as much a social event as […]

Guided Walk – Hemlington Recreation Centre

Our Guided Walks are usually gentle strolls lasting up to one and a half hours on easy terrain, requiring no special clothing. They are as much a social event as […]

Climate Action Forum

Our Climate Action Forum takes places this Wednesday at the Brownlee Suite in Acklam Green Centre, Whinney Banks. No commitment: If you’d like to come along, contact to book […]

Carbon Awareness Training, Session One

Middlesbrough Environment City Sandy Flatts Lane

Both of these sessions must be attended. This Carbon Awareness Training course explores what is causing climate change, it’s effects and what contributes to our own carbon footprints. It is […]

Communal Corner @ Saltersgill Allotments

Saltersgill Allotments Middlesbrough

Drop in volunteer days, every Saturday and Sunday in October. Contact Michael

Communal Corner @ Saltersgill Allotments

Saltersgill Allotments Middlesbrough

Drop in volunteer days, every Saturday and Sunday in October. Contact Michael

Carbon Awareness Training, Session Two

Middlesbrough Environment City Sandy Flatts Lane

Both of these sessions must be attended. This Carbon Awareness Training course explores what is causing climate change, it’s effects and what contributes to our own carbon footprints. It is […]

Communal Corner @ Saltersgill Allotments

Saltersgill Allotments Middlesbrough

Drop in volunteer days, every Saturday and Sunday in October. Contact Michael


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Communities Growing Together – Seasonal Cooking Workshop

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