Two new vacancies online for applications!

We’ve got two new vacancies live and waiting for your applications!

Both require excellent communication skills, a passion for tackling the ongoing climate crisis and great organisational skills. The Food for the Planet Officer will ideally have a PTLSS or other education qualification, a qualification in a food-related subject and previous experience of delivering sustainability-based campaigns and/or initiatives. The Horticulture Officer will ideally have a qualification in horticulture, with a good level of knowledge and experience in horticulture vital for the role.

If you’ve got the skills, we’d love to hear from you, so visit the links in the post to find the application forms! Alternatively, contact our team at MEC at or on 01642 579820 for more information.

Horticulture Officer –

Food for the Planet Officer –


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Communities Growing Together - Volunteer Session @ Sandy Flatts Community Garden

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