Food Power

The Middlesbrough Food Power Alliance is network and partnership of individuals and cross sector organisations that work together to tackle the rising level of food insecurity across Middlesbrough. The Alliance takes an asset-based approach, always starting with the strengths and skills in a community, then supporting people with effective advice, skills and a strong support network.

The Middlesbrough Food Power Alliance takes a holistic and collaborative approach, identifying gaps in provision and working together to provide sustainable solutions and a strong action plan to improve the residents of Middlesbrough’s lives.  The Alliance work across five key themes

  1. Championing healthful affordable food
  2. Surplus food redistribution
  3. Maximising income
  4. Engaging and involving people with lived experience of food insecurity
  5. Affordable Warmth

MEC coordinate the Food Power Alliance, so please get in touch if you would like to be involved and work together to reduce food insecurity in Middlesbrough.

How we can help you

Get in touch with us and we can sign post you to the relevant organisation to provide you with support on food, benefits, fuel & much more.


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Communities Growing Together - Volunteer Session @ Sandy Flatts Community Garden

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