Events Calendar

Guided Walk – Brookfield and Kader

Our Guided Walks are usually gentle strolls lasting up to one and a half hours on easy terrain, requiring no special clothing. They are as much a social event as they are for exercise, so come along, stretch your legs and make new friends! This walk starts at St. Clare's Church, 102 Low Lane, TS5 […]

Guided Walk – Brookfield and Kader

Our Guided Walks are usually gentle strolls lasting up to one and a half hours on easy terrain, requiring no special clothing. They are as much a social event as they are for exercise, so come along, stretch your legs and make new friends! This walk starts at St. Clare's Church, 102 Low Lane, TS5 […]

Eco-Champion Peer Mentor Training – Part 2

Climate Action Middlesbrough are hosting eco-champion peer mentor training. The peer mentor course is a level one unit, accredited by The One Awards, and will be delivered by the mentor and community engagement officers of CAM. It will be delivered at the Acklam Green Centre on Stainsby Road in Middlesbrough. Contact for more information […]

Eco-Champion Peer Mentor Training – Part 2

Climate Action Middlesbrough are hosting eco-champion peer mentor training. The peer mentor course is a level one unit, accredited by The One Awards, and will be delivered by the mentor and community engagement officers of CAM. It will be delivered at the Acklam Green Centre on Stainsby Road in Middlesbrough. Contact for more information […]

Guided Walk – Brookfield and Kader

Our Guided Walks are usually gentle strolls lasting up to one and a half hours on easy terrain, requiring no special clothing. They are as much a social event as they are for exercise, so come along, stretch your legs and make new friends! This walk starts at St. Clare's Church, 102 Low Lane, TS5 […]

Guided Walk – Brookfield and Kader

Our Guided Walks are usually gentle strolls lasting up to one and a half hours on easy terrain, requiring no special clothing. They are as much a social event as they are for exercise, so come along, stretch your legs and make new friends! This walk starts at St. Clare's Church, 102 Low Lane, TS5 […]

Hedge Planting at Linthorpe Cemetery

Climate Action Middlesbrough are taking part in hedge planting at Linthorpe Cemetery on Saturday January 29th, 10am to 2pm: All are welcome! Families, friends, bring whoever you want to help Linthorpe Cemetery and its value to wildlife. Places are limited however so contact Ian Wilson via email at to book your spot!  

Hedge Planting at Linthorpe Cemetery

Climate Action Middlesbrough are taking part in hedge planting at Linthorpe Cemetery on Saturday January 29th, 10am to 2pm: All are welcome! Families, friends, bring whoever you want to help Linthorpe Cemetery and its value to wildlife. Places are limited however so contact Ian Wilson via email at to book your spot!  


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Communities Growing Together – Seasonal Cooking Workshop

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